Contacts Form

Contacts Form

*Emails sent after office hours will not be received and accepted until the next school day.
*On days which the school is closed, the office will also be closed. Office hours are as follows: 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Office hours do not include Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, school holidays, or school breaks.
*Emails will be attended to in order of receival. Responses may take up to a few days.

Name of Child [required] ENGLISH Spelling Ex. John Smith

Name of Child [required] Ex. ジョン スミス

Age [required]

Birthday [required] [MM/DD/YYYY] 記入例)04/20/2001

Gender [required]  

Nationality [required]  

Name of Parent [required]  Name of Parent

Zip [required]  Zip

Permanent Address [required]  Permanent Address

Phone [required]  Phone

E-mail (computer) [required]  E-mail

The class that you are interested in. [required]  The class that you are interested in.

Trial lesson [required]  Trial lesson

Brochure [required]  Brochure

How did you find out about our school? [required]  How did you find out about our school?

Inquiry  Inquiry

I agree with the Terms & Conditions [required]