Saturday Kinder Father’s Day Craft
Happy Father’s Day! Our Saturday Kindergarten class is making a wonderful Father’s Day craft. It’s thanks to all the amazing dads out there that the world continues to go round! Let’s look at what the kids are making today! Using paper cups, they get to paint mini trophies! Even completed with handles. They’re painting with such concentration, you know they want to do a really good job! Everyone has to paint every inch of the trophy. Nothing can be kept white! Will they be able to do it while staying nice and clean? It’s really looking good! And look! No paint on their hands~ …
Wednesday Kinder Father’s Day Craft
Happy Father’s Day! Wednesday Kinder made adorable trophies for their amazing fathers. Everyone worked hard to make their father’s gift as special as their dads! Wow!! The trophies really look great, don’t they! All of their dads just be so happy to see all their hard work. Good job, everybody! Not only trophies, but they made adorable cards too! The cards say, “I Love You, Dad!”
Father’s Day Craft
Happy Father’s Day!! To all the fathers out there this 2015, American Kids would like to thank you for all the things you fathers do. This year, for our students to thank their wonderful dads, they made their own winning dads a cute trophy! It even comes with their own handles. Most importantly, it’s made with love! Everyone is so concentrated so they can do a great job painting. It’s time to glue~ Everyone worked diligently in decoracting their dad’s trophies in their own special way. I wonder what they’re thinking? It looks like their trophies are almost done They’re done! Don’t these trophies look…
Field Trip
サタデーキンダーガーテンの子たちと、バスで日本科学館と国立科学博物館に出掛けました。雨が降っちゃったので、今日は行き先を変更してField Trip。 Today everyone is out on a field trip to the National Science Museum! It’s a little cold and rainy, but thank goodness we will experience science indoors today.
Asuka’s Birthday Party
Happy Birthday, Asuka!! We celebrated Asuka’s birthday and had an amazing time with our birthday-girl! With every year, Asuka grows older and more mature! Do you see her special birthday cake? It’s a panda!! After singing, everyone got to feast like kings! How lucky~ Look at their full mouths!! It looks really delicious! Hope you had a fun birthday, Asuka! We can’t wait to see how you’ve grown-up next year!
Nao’s Birthday Party
Happy Birthday, Nao! We celebrated Nao’s birthday today. He turned one year older!! He got to make wonderful memories with his classmates and teachers. Everyone was so happy to celebrate with Nao. They got to eat sweet, special treats with amazing decorations!! Look! There’s Lightning McQueen, Nao’s favorite Disney character!! So much frosting!! Maybe he really has a sweet tooth~ We’re so lucky to have Nao with us and spend his birthday!! It was a real blast!
Mother’s Day Craft
Happy Mother’s Day, everyone! Today is a special day to celebrate the mothers around the world! Kindergarten made a cute craft for their mothers to thank them. I wonder what they made? Today, our Kindergarten class made adorable potted paper plants for their mothers. Can you see the tulips and the butterflies?? Everyone wrote a special message to their mother telling how much they love their mom! ~A beautiful plant for beautiful moms~ Thank you moms!! You’re the best!! How did you celebrate your mother’s day?
Pajama Party / Pillow Fight
さあ、お待ちかねの”ピローファイト”。 みんなすごーくエキサイトしてました。普段おとなしい子も、今日はちょっとワイルド! It wouldn’t be a pajama party if there was no pillow fight! Since the pillows are so soft, even the children who were a little shy showed their wild side. Swinging their pillows with fluffy ferocity. “Ready…Get set…” “GO!!” でも柔らかいピローだから大丈夫。安心してね。 Everyone looks so happy! Since it’s only pillows, of course no one got hurt. この後は、楽しい ”ムビータイム”。 もちろん、ポップコーンは、お約束!楽しい、楽しい、パジャマパーティーでした!! After getting the pillow fight out of their system, everyone got to enjoy movie time! Of course there was lots of popcorn involved. It was a really successful pajama party!!
Pajama Party / Black Light
大好きなピローやぬいぐるみを抱きしめて。 It wouldn’t be a pajama party unless everyone brought their pillows! Look at how big some of these pillows are! Everyone must be so cozy when they’re sleeping~ みんな、High Lighterで、ちょっとイタズラしてみました。スペシャルライトを当てたら、 わあ?、 不思議! マジックみたい!! Afterwards, everyone got a chance to play with a magic pen! With this ink, the only way you can see the ink is through a special light! Everyone loved to create their glow in the dark messages!
Pajama Party / Chocolate Fondue
今日は “パジャマパーティー”。アメリカではポピュラーな “パジャマパーティー”も、日本ではちょっと珍しいかな? みんな、自分のお気に入りのパジャマとピロー、ぬいぐるみを持ってきて、朝から大はしゃぎ! Today is the well awaited “Pajama Party!” day! For one day, everyone gets to stay in their pajamas and keep their pillows and stuffed animals with them in class! Here, everyone gets to eat a special treat of chocolate fondue!! After the chocolate is nicely melted and still warm, everyone gets to choose between bananas or marshmallows to dip into the chocolate! パジャマに着替えたみんなは、まずチョコレートフォンデュで一休み。 バナナとマシュマロ、どっちが好きかな? 甘いチョコレートにみんな大満足!! The marshmallows were really popular with all the students. Chocolate fondue is perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth! “Can I just eat all the chocolate, please?” 口の周りがチョコレートだらけだよ〜。甘そう!! Wow! Everyone’s mouth is covered with chocolate! They all enjoyed their…
Pajama Party / Spinning Bottle Cap
ペットボトルのキャップとストリングで作ったおもちゃ。上手にスピンできると、ずーっと回ってます。 The kids made their own home made toys today with just some string and a bottle cap! 誰が一番、上手に長く回せるか、みんなで競争! Putting the string through the middle of the cap, you can spin the string to keep the cap moving! Who can keep their’s spinning the longest? “Look at it spin!!”
Mystery / I Spy
今日はみんなでパークに出かけて、”I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…” に挑戦! Today, the kids spent the day at the park playing “I spy.” Using clues, they had the find things in the park to fit the description. キンダーガーテンクラスの子達は、”I Spy” のリストを持って、パートナーと公園の中を探して回ります。 もちろん、リストは絵ではなくて、英語で書かれています。全部探せるかな?? On each of their clipboards is a list of things to find within the park. With their partners, they had to go around and find everything on their list! Will they be able to do it? “Let’s go find this one!” エレメンタリークラスの大きい子達は、ABC orderでリストを記入していきます。 すでにいっぱいになっているレターも。 “We still have to find this, and this, and this, and this!” 最後にみんなで、チェリーブロッサムの前で一枚。 お花の前でスマイル!みんな最高の笑顔! Everyone took photos in front of the cherry blossoms! What…