Suzuka’s Birthday Party!

October 21, 2015

Today our Preschool class celebrated Suzuka’s 3rd birthday!! She was dressed up and ready to have a great party with all her friends and teachers! Look at how cute her dress is, the color really suite Suzuka very well!! Here is Suzuka’s adorable cake and decorations. Everything looks so sweet~ Especially that chocolate cake…yummy!!     What an adorable set up! The strawberry table cloth is very cute. I bet everyone was so excited to sing “Happy Birthday!” to Suzuka.   Yay!! She was able to blow out all her candle. I wonder what Suzuka wished for??   Yummy!! Now that everyone has something on their plate, it’s time to…

インターナショナルスクール アメリカンキッズ横浜

Art / Salt Art


ソルトアートのダイレクションをコンピューターで調べてプリントアウト。それに従って、フードカラーをお塩に混ぜていきます。 Today’s craft is Salt Art! By following the directions on the print out sheet, everyone colored their salt with different color dyes. 次にクリアのジャーに、色の配置、量を考えながら、自分のデザインを作っていきます。 Next, they put the colored dye in different bowls and everyone can make their own special designs in their jar! 小さい子達も、お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんが作ってくれたカラーソルトを、自分でジャーに入れていきます。 どんなデザインになるのでしょう? Even the little kids got to create their own designs with the help of their older classmates. みんなの作ったソルトアート。 色の置き方がそれぞれ違って、微妙に違う雰囲気になってます。Great Art!!! Wow!! Everyone’s salt art looks fantastic! So colorful~

Science / Coke and Mentos Eruption


ダイエットコークにメントス (キャンディー)を入れると、どうなるのかな? 紙で筒を作って、メントスを一気にコークのボトルに落とします。 Everyone is outdoors today to try a messy, but classic experiment! Mentos & Diet Coke!! Our kids made their own personal paper chutes to readily drop their mentos in. Will it work?? Can you guess how many mentos are in her paper chute? みんなちょっと逃げ腰になって入れてました。でも無事成功!! Once she drops her mentos in, she has to be ready to run!! She’s preparing for her escape. Woah! Something is coming out of the top! Huh? Did she drop her mentos in? Nothing happened… わあ?、すごい!!噴水のように噴き出して、みんなビックリ!!誰のが一番高く上がるかな? Amazing!! It turned into a coke fountain!! What a mess, but it’s so cool to watch! I wonder who’s fountain spouted the highest? この後、みんなは撮った写真を使って、ポスター作り。 Afterwards, each kid…

インターナショナルスクール アメリカンキッズ横浜

Science / Life Cycle of Chicken


左手にレッドのペイントをつけて、大きなエッグの中にハンドペイントをして、チキンのボディーにします。 嫌がるとかなーと思ったら、みんな大喜び! Today, our Kindergarten is learning about the life cycle of a chicken. With their left hand, the red paint is going to be the body of the chicken! Everyone looks so excited! Why are both their hands red?! Everyone really loves paint! あれ?なぜかみんな両手にペイントが!! “Is this enough red?” “Look, look at my hands!” チックが出てきてるエッグには、本物のエッグシェルを貼っていきます。 They all made their chicken! For the egg, they’re pasting real egg shells on their paper. 真剣にひとつひとつ貼っていく子もいれば、いっぺんに置いてプッシュする子も。あ?、潰しちゃったかなあ? Everyone is gluing so seriously. They must be really excited to put everything together. Oh no! What happened?! Did she smash her egg?? Wow!! Great job everybody!! I hope you learned a lot about the chicken life cycle.…

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Duck Game 2


Wow!! Everyone did such a great job on their ducks, but that’s not all! さあ、ゲームタイム。”Let’s play!” It’s time to start the game!! バルーンを下に落としたら負けだよ。落とさないように何回続くかな? By holding the duck handle, it turns into a cute paddle! Now everyone has to pair up and   hit a balloon back and forth~ Who ever lets the ball fall to the floor, loses! How many times will they be back to hit it continuously??   Keep it up everyone! Don’t let the balloon fall!! みんなすごーく楽しそう!お家でも遊んでね。 Everyone was so happy with their new ducks and balloon! Now they can even take it home and play! So lucky!

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Duck Game


キンダークラスでは、ペーパープレートを黄色に塗った後、今度は、みんな一生懸命、何かをカットしています。 今日のテーマは、”Game!”  何が出来るのでしょう? Saturday Kinder is making another cute craft. With all their concentration, I wonder what they’re going to make today! That’s a lot of orange! Hmm…What’s round, has orange, and has eyes?       “Duck” でした。自分の塗ったプレートに目や嘴をつけて、ダックの出来上がり。みんな違った顔で、とてもかわいいです。 “Hello, Duck!” It’s a duck!! Everyone now has their own adorable duck mask! Quack, quack!     Great job everybody! Wave “hi!” with your cute new ducks!  

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Easter Craft


明日はイースターサンデー。サタデーキンダーガーテンの子達は、明日のためにエッグをいろいろなカラーで染めていきます。 Tomorrow is Easter Sunday so our Saturday kids are having fun dying their eggs many different colors!   Make sure you hold the egg carefully! You don’t want it to crack!   Make sure you dip it in nicely into any color you want!   She looks so concetrated! She wants to make her egg look so pretty~ グリーン、ピンク、ブルー、オレンジ…。それぞれ好きな色を選んで、静かにエッグを入れていきます。”落とさないでね!” Everyone got to choose from all different kinds of colors. But beware! Don’t get too much dye on your fingers~   Uh oh! Did my egg fall into the coloring dye??     “Which color should I choose?? There are so many!”   染まったエッグを見て、”ワアー!!”  明日は、パパやママとエッグハントしてね。 Everyone was so excited to…

インターナショナルスクール アメリカンキッズ横浜

Field Trip


サタデーキンダーガーテンのみんなは、サタデークラスのお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん達と一緒に、バスで日本科学館と国立科学博物館に出掛けました。雨が降っちゃったので、今日は行き先を変更してField Trip。 Today everyone is out on a field trip to the National Science Museum! It’s a little cold and rainy, but thank goodness we will experience science indoors today. 中では、お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん達とは別行動。ボタンを押したり、コントロールしたり、いろいろなものを触って、 みんな大興奮! Inside, everyone goes one-by-one to try out different things. They have to push buttons, use control panels, and do all sorts of interesting things! I wonder what kind of game they’re playing. Everyone is diligently waiting for their turn. They’re drawing with some new technology! They look like they’re really having fun with this exhibit! Maybe they’re competing? Who will win!? “Look! Look! There’s something inside!” At this museum, everyone got to use all their senses of feeling,…

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St. Patrick’s Day


サタデーキンダーガーテンの小さい子達が、真剣な顔でカットしているのは、グリーンのシャムロック。 細かいパーツもとても上手に切れてビックリ!! Saturday Kindergarten got to celebrate St.Patricks Day today by making shamrock necklaces! Everyone put in their best effort to cut out their four-leaf clovers! Everyone looks so serious cutting out their shapes. They wanted to make it very neat! Everyone is cutting their shapes so well. They’re concentrating so much on their craft. I wonder how it will turn out? ストローと、自分でカットしたシャムロックをつなげて、St. Patrick’s Dayのネックレスが出来ました! レプリコンもちゃんとついてて、Cute!! “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!” Wow! It looks so wonderful, everybody! Their hard work paid off. By diligently stringing the clovers with pieces of straw, they were able to make such a cute St.Patrick’s Day necklace.

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Saturday Kinder Activity


サタデーキンダーガーテンのみんなは、2チームに分かれて、ワイルドアニマルとファームアニマルをsort outしています。 このチームはファームアニマルかな?豚、馬、牛… フェンスも作って、ちゃんと中に入ってね。みんな間違えずに入れたかな? Saturday Kindergarten is sorting out wild animals and farm animals. Let’s see, for this team…there’s pigs, horses, and cows… It must be farm animals! They even made a little fence for all their animal friends.    Oops! It looks like their farm is a little empty. They still have to sort out their animals! ランチの後に、スクールバスのパズルを完成させた3人。”I did it!” After lunch, these three kids solved this bus puzzle! Way to go, everyone! サタデーキンダーガーテンの小さい子達は、今日はドライビングレッスン! シートベルトをして、安全を確認したら、”Let’s go to Disney Land!!” “Go straight, turn right.”  黄色信号はスローダウン、赤信号はちゃんと止まってね。 さあ、次はどこに行こうかな? For Saturday Kindergarten, they’re in the middle of their driving lesson! After they made sure they had their seatbelts on (safety first!), they said…

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It’s Story Time


Sing a song timeの後は、みんなの大好きなストーリータイム。今日のストーリーは、”Giraffes Can’t Dance”。 みんな、ストーリーの展開が楽しみ!”次はどうなるのかな〜?” After singing, everyone gets to listen to some of their favorite stories! Today’s story is “Giraffes Can’t Dance”, with such a strange title, no wonder everyone is listening with such anticipation! ジオボードで、いろいろなシェイプをお友達と一緒に作っていきます。どのチームが一番早く出来るかな? Now everyone gets to play with a geo-board! With this, the kids use the pegs in the board to create shapes!   I wonder what kind of shape this teacher is going to make. The kids will make a guess!     Wow! It looks like a triangle! Great job kids~          

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在校生や先生から花束をたくさんもらって、とてもHappyそう。”Great job! You must be proud of yourself!” It’s graduation today and all our kids are holding lots of flower bouquets in celebration! We’re so proud of you everyone! 卒業証書を持って、”We graduated from Kindergarten today!!” While holding their graduation diplomas, they all have officially graduated from their class! コンフェッティを掛けられて、”Hooray! We did it!” Everyone is too happy to contain themselves. They were jumping for joy while confetti rained down!

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Field Trip Sea Paradise


キンダーガーテンのみんな、スクールバスで今日は八景島シーパラダイスに来ました。イワシの桜イリュージョンの前で、Big Smile!! Everyone got to have fun at Hakkeijima Sea Paradise today! Here they’re posing in front of sardines~ There’s too many fish to count! 色とりどりの魚の前でとってもHappyそうな二人。”すごーくきれい!”  私はブルーのフィッシュ、私はイエローのフィッシュと大騒ぎでした。 There were so many colorful fish there! Everyone was so excited to see the different colors. It was sooo pretty! “ワァー、ポーラーベア!” 本物は大きいけど、やっぱりかわいい!こっち向いてくれるかな〜? It’s a polar bear!! Seeing the real thing, everyone realizes how big it really is, but even so, it’s still so cute! “Mr.Polar Bear~ Won’t you look over here?” ドルフィンのショーを待つみんな。早く始まるといいね。 Everyone is waiting so patiently for the dolphin show! They all look so excited~ シャークの口の中から、”Hello!!” Peek-a-boo! Someone crawled out of a whale shark’s mouth! ハンマーヘッドシャークの前でポーズ!でもフラッシュがたけないから、みんなの顔、写ってるかな〜? Here everyone is posing in front…