Wed / Sat Kindergarten
Sing a song time
ウェンズデーキンダーガーテンのみんなで、楽しくSing a song time! “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, “The More We Get Together”, “Where is Thumbkin?”, “Going To The Zoo” 難しい歌詞も覚えて、みんな上手に歌えたね。 Let’s sing-a-long to the music everyone! Everyone must wait patiently if they want to start singing! Make sure you’re quiet so you can hear the music begin~ They all must hold hands and move in a circle~ The more they get together, the merrier it is! Everyone is having fun remembering the lyrics and moving to the dance moves! Pair up and get in a boat! Everyone went rowing today~ “Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the…
Read MoreHungry Caterpillars
今日はサタデーキンダーガーテンの小さい子達が、ペーパープレートをグリーンに塗って、何を作るのかな? Saturday Kindergarten are looking a little green today! I wonder what they’re making? 手にグリーンのペイントがついちゃった! Their whooole plate has to be green! Oops~ Looks like someone has some paint on their hands. みんなうれしそうに、先生に、”Look, look!” Oh no! Don’t turn the teacher green too! Everyone looks like their having fun while painting. あ?、とうとう手に塗り始めちゃった。 Woah! So much green! It looks like she might have gotten more paint on her hands than on her paper plate! みんなで “触っちゃうよ?!!” It looks like everyone got paint on their hands! Everyone is so silly~ 出来上がったハングリーキャタピラー。とってもかわいく出来ました! キャタピラーは、何を食べたのかな?ストロベリー、オレンジ、アイスクリーム、カップケーキ、チェリーパイ…。いっぱい食べたキャタピラーは、もうお腹いっぱい!!後で、みんなで壁に貼ろうね! Cute!! Everyone worked together to create an adorable hungry caterpillar! This caterpillar loves to eat anything when it’s hungry~ From strawberries…
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サタデイキンダーガーテンクラスでは、ヴァレンタインデーのプレゼントを作りました! 紙のお皿を切ったり塗ったり。 Saturday Kindergarten made a ladybug craft out of paper plates for Valentine’s Day. 上手に塗れるかな~? Everyone is working hard to neatly paint their ladybugs because it’s going to be a present for someone they love! 作っている最中の子どもたちのブツブツ・・・つぶやきも、英語です(^^) アメリカンキッズでは「日本語禁止!」なんて言う必要はまったくありません。 It’s not a ladybug if it doesn’t have its spots! These little love bugs have cute heart shapes glued on its back. 脇目もふらず、かなり真剣に取り組んでいます。完成が見えてくるとスピードも上がりワクワク増加中! Wow! It really looks like a ladybug! Everyone worked so hard on their craft~ They are all so excited to show everyone what they made! さぁ、完成しました!ハートのマークがかわいいバグですね!! 紙のお皿が大変身。うちに持って帰って、ママパパにプレゼントかなぁ~? クラフトワークも自然な英語を身につけるにはとっても有効なレッスンの一つです。 Everyone’s ladybug is so cute!! Great job Pre-Kinder! All their parents recieved such adorable lady bugs made with lots of love!…
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