Suzuka’s Birthday Party!

October 21, 2015

Today our Preschool class celebrated Suzuka’s 3rd birthday!! She was dressed up and ready to have a great party with all her friends and teachers! Look at how cute her dress is, the color really suite Suzuka very well!! Here is Suzuka’s adorable cake and decorations. Everything looks so sweet~ Especially that chocolate cake…yummy!!     What an adorable set up! The strawberry table cloth is very cute. I bet everyone was so excited to sing “Happy Birthday!” to Suzuka.   Yay!! She was able to blow out all her candle. I wonder what Suzuka wished for??   Yummy!! Now that everyone has something on their plate, it’s time to…

Americankids / St.Patrick's day

St.Patrick’s Day


Everyone got to celebrate the luck of the Irish because it’s… St. Patricks Day! On their paper plates, they made bright and colorful rainbows for their craft! Even with such beautiful rainbows, I don’t think they found any pots of gold! Maybe next time we’ll catch that leprechaun!

Americankids / Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year


Happy Chinese New Year! The Pre-Kinder class is making a special craft today with lots of glue. Everyone used lots of red today because the color red in China symbolizes good luck and happiness!

Americankids Rihanna's Birthday

Rihana’s Birthday


りはなちゃん!お誕生日おめでとう! Happy Birthday, Rihana!! Congratulations~ You turned one year older! She looks so cute with her special birthday girl treat! Everyone also got to eat delicious cookies along with her to celebrate!  

Science Project/FLOATING EGG


タマゴはお水に浮くのかな?みんなで実験してみました。 I wonder if everyone can make their egg float? Let’s try!   お塩を入れたらどうなるにかな? What do you think will happen when we mix some salt in the water?   Eggに顔を描いてSo~Happy!! “It’s cute!” Everyone drew happy faces on their egg! So cute!!   ヤッター‼︎‼︎ 見事に,お水にプカリ…浮いたEggを見てみんな大興奮!! 今回の実験は、大成功でした. We did it!! Everyone’s egg was able to float! Today’s project was a big success!      

アメリカンキッズ横浜 サタデイキンダーガーテン バレンタイン!

Valentine’s Day craft


サタデイキンダーガーテンクラスでは、ヴァレンタインデーのプレゼントを作りました! 紙のお皿を切ったり塗ったり。 Saturday Kindergarten made a ladybug craft out of paper plates for Valentine’s Day. 上手に塗れるかな~? Everyone is working hard to neatly paint their ladybugs because it’s going to be a present for someone they love! 作っている最中の子どもたちのブツブツ・・・つぶやきも、英語です(^^) アメリカンキッズでは「日本語禁止!」なんて言う必要はまったくありません。 It’s not a ladybug if it doesn’t have its spots! These little love bugs have cute heart shapes glued on its back. 脇目もふらず、かなり真剣に取り組んでいます。完成が見えてくるとスピードも上がりワクワク増加中! Wow! It really looks like a ladybug! Everyone worked so hard on their craft~ They are all so excited to show everyone what they made! さぁ、完成しました!ハートのマークがかわいいバグですね!! 紙のお皿が大変身。うちに持って帰って、ママパパにプレゼントかなぁ~? クラフトワークも自然な英語を身につけるにはとっても有効なレッスンの一つです。 Everyone’s ladybug is so cute!! Great job Pre-Kinder! All their parents recieved such adorable lady bugs made with lots of love!…

アメリカンキッズ横浜 プリキンダー バレンタイン!

Valentine’s Day craft


ハートマンを作って、みんなでハッピーバレンタイン♡ いつになく真剣な顔で、ハートの形をカットしています。 PreKindergarten practices cutting and pasting for their Valentine’s Day craft. Everyone looks so serious cutting out their first piece!   Teacherの説明にしたがって、Glueをしていく子ども達。 間違えたところにつけないかな~? Everyone has to listen to their teacher very carefully. There are so many pieces to glue, they have to pay attention closely because they don’t want to make a mistake!   無事に完成! みんなもハートマンもナイスでスマイル! Yay! Everyone’s Valentine craft came out so nicely! They all did such a great job making their heart. We’re so proud of them~

アメリカンキッズ横浜 プリキンダー Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunt


キンダーガーテンの子ども達と一緒に、大好きなスカベンジャーハンティング!! パートナーと一緒に、Memoに書かれたものをハンティング Kindergarten and Pre-Kinder are working together to find objects for their scavenger hunt. I wonder what they’re searching for!   キンダーガーテンの子ども達が何をピックアップするのか、説明しています。 間違わずに探せるかな~?? Kindergarten kids are explaining to Pre-Kinder kids what they should look for. Such a good cooperations skills!   おねえちゃんと一緒でとても楽しそう。 These partners look like they’re having lots of fun together!   今日のベストパートナーでした!Good job! Everyone was working so hard today! These two are such a great pair.   やさしく教えてくれる、キンダークラスのおにいちゃん!! One of our Kindergarten boys worked so nicely with one of our Pre-Kinder girls! Teaching her with lots of patience.

アメリカンキッズ横浜 キンダーガーテン ハッピーバレンタイン!

Valentine’s Day


待ちに待ったバレンタインデー♡ 小さなハートを貼って何ができるかな? Hugs and kisses! Today is Valentines Day! Kindergarten is making adorable ladybug crafts for their family. ハートのLady Bugができるのかな?? Doesn’t the lady bug kind of look like a heart? These girls made sure to pick special heart shapes for the spots on the back of the ladybug. Kindergarten had a great time painting and putting together their Valentine’s Day ladybugs and paper heart crafts. ハッピーバレンタイン!!キュートなハートをもってビッグスマイル♡

アメリカンキッズ横浜 キンダーガーテン コンピューターレッスン

Computer Lesson


コンピューターレッスンでタイプしたペンギンのポエムを持って みんな、とてもハッピーそうです。 Everyone practiced their typing skills in today’s computer lesson. They all look so happy holding their new penguin poems! コンピューターレッスンは、大好きなレッスンの一つ。 全員、正しい指を使ってタイピング。 Everyone said typing is one of their favorite things to learn. Make sure you use both hands when typing, kids! 真剣にキーボードを叩く子供たち great!! Everyone is so focused using the computer!