Hungry Caterpillars
Saturday Kindergarten are looking a little green today!
I wonder what they’re making?
Their whooole plate has to be green!
Oops~ Looks like someone has some paint on their hands.
みんなうれしそうに、先生に、”Look, look!”
Oh no! Don’t turn the teacher green too! Everyone looks like their having fun while painting.
Woah! So much green! It looks like she might have gotten more paint on her hands than on her paper plate!
みんなで “触っちゃうよ?!!”
It looks like everyone got paint on their hands! Everyone is so silly~
Cute!! Everyone worked together to create an adorable hungry caterpillar!
This caterpillar loves to eat anything when it’s hungry~
From strawberries to oranges to pears… and even ice cream to cupcakes to cherry pies!
Are you full yet Mr.Hungry Caterpillar?