Field Trip
サタデーキンダーガーテンのみんなは、サタデークラスのお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん達と一緒に、バスで日本科学館と国立科学博物館に出掛けました。雨が降っちゃったので、今日は行き先を変更してField Trip。
Today everyone is out on a field trip to the National Science Museum! It’s a little cold and rainy, but thank goodness we will experience science indoors today.
Inside, everyone goes one-by-one to try out different things. They have to push buttons, use control panels, and do all sorts of interesting things!
I wonder what kind of game they’re playing. Everyone is diligently waiting for their turn.
They’re drawing with some new technology!
They look like they’re really having fun with this exhibit! Maybe they’re competing? Who will win!?
“Look! Look! There’s something inside!”
At this museum, everyone got to use all their senses of feeling, seeing, and smelling to experience new things!
Posing in front of this giant globe, everyone looks so small!
Look at these old dinosaur bones! They’re really magnificent!
After this, everyone definitely said they wanted to come back!