Mystery / I Spy
今日はみんなでパークに出かけて、”I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…” に挑戦!
Today, the kids spent the day at the park playing “I spy.”
Using clues, they had the find things in the park to fit the description.
キンダーガーテンクラスの子達は、”I Spy” のリストを持って、パートナーと公園の中を探して回ります。
On each of their clipboards is a list of things to find within the park. With their partners, they had to go around and find everything on their list! Will they be able to do it?
“Let’s go find this one!”
エレメンタリークラスの大きい子達は、ABC orderでリストを記入していきます。
“We still have to find this, and this, and this, and this!”
Everyone took photos in front of the cherry blossoms! What a great view! Everyone looks so happy working outside together~
After returning to the classroom, the teacher went over the list with everyone.
“Did you find a bicycle?”
“I found it!!”
The elementary school kids had to find their own objects within the park. Who found the most objects out of everyone?