Archive for April 2015
Science / Volcano
チームメートと一緒に話し合いながら、土台をすべてカバーしていきます。 Today’s science experiment is making home-made volcanos! Working together with their teammates, everyone firstly covered the base of their mountain. 出来上がったボルケーノに色をつけていく作業。いつになく真剣に取り組んでいるみんな。 Nice teamwork!! Everyone had to work together to paint their new volcanos. It looks so real! いよいよ実験です。まず、リキッドソープを入れます。 Now it’s time to start the experiment. The first ingredient is dish soap! 次に、ベーキングソーダ。 Next comes the baking soda. そして最後に、ビネガー。 Lastly, pour in the vinegar. What will happen next?? わあー!成功!!本物のボルケーノのように噴火しました! Yay!! We did it!! It erupted like a real volcano!! “Let’s try one more time!” こちらのチームもビネガーを入れていきます。 I wonder what will happen to this team’s volcano. They’re putting in the vinegar now! “やったー!!” 大喜びの男の子達。 “We did it!” We are the best!
Read MoreScience / Plant
キンダーガーテンクラスの子達は、真面目な顔でポットをブルーに塗ってます。 The Kindergaten class is painting today! It might just look like another craft, but this is for science!! First off, everyone must paint their pots blue~ They’re so small, but they all paint so nicely! さあ、今度はカラフルなフォームでデコレーション。何色のどんな形のをつけようかな?? Wait…are you sure this is for science? Everyone is picking out their own decoration foam. It’s so colorful! はい、出来上がり!みんな可愛く出来ました! Cute!! Now they have their own person plant pots! さあ、自分のポットに土を入れて、ミニヒマワリの種を入れます。 Now here’s the science! After pouring soil into the pots, they got to plant their own mini sunflower seeds! しっかりお水もあげて!”早く芽を出してね!” みんな、お家でも、毎日ちゃんとお水をあげてね。太陽も大好きだから、忘れずにね! They got to take their new plants home to let to grow. Don’t forget to give it water and sunlight…
Read MoreGame / Throw A Ball
ボールを投げて、ゴールに入れます。入ったら、10ポイント!何ポイント取れるか、みんなでレース。 Here, everyone is practicing their throwing skills! The aim of the game is to get the ball into the small goal. If you get it in, you get 10 points! How many points will everyone get? Be careful! You can’t cross the line or you’re out! He looks like he’s ready to play baseball! Will his technique land his ball into the goal? Eye on the prize everyone! The most important part of the game is to have fun!
Read MoreGame / Ball Game
エレメンタリークラスの子達が、午後のゲームに使う長いスティックを、カラフルに塗ってます。 すごくたくさんの数があるけど、頑張ってね。 For today’s afternoon game, our elementary class is going to paint long sticks all different colors! There are a lot of sticks to paint, everyone. Work hard! ゲーム用のスティックを塗り終わったみんな、今度は机の上の茶紙にペイント。 After painting the game sticks, everyone got to do free painting on the brown paper! Everyone’s paper looks so colorful! あれ?自分の手もキャンバス代わり?? Huh?! Everyone started painting their hands instead!! 何だかみんなとっても楽しそう!最高の笑顔を見せてくれました。 そして、机の上のみんなのペイントは、立派なアート!! Oh well, it looks like everyone had a blast painting…everything!! They had no trouble laughing throughout the entire time. Let’s not forget the wonderful art that they made on their desk!
Read MoreGame / Ball Game2
さあ、みんなで塗ったスティックを使って、ゲームの始まり!ボールを落とさないように、上手にスティックを抜いてね。 After letting everyone’s painted stick dry, it’s time to start the game! The rule of the game is to not let the balls fall! One by one, taking out a stick of their choice, they’re taking a chance that it will not be the one holding up the balls! みんな恐る恐る、引き抜いていました。スリルがあって最高!! ボールが全部落ちちゃった後は、みんな、”もう一回やりたーい!” Everyone was at the edge of the seat watching their classmates pull the sticks! This is the ultimate tension game! After all the balls fell out, everyone wanted to play again and again! スティックをいろいろな方向から差して、ボールを入れたら、”Let’s try one more time!” To play again, you just stick the sticks back in (in all different directions) and fill up the ball pit!…
Read MoreExplore / Haneda Air Port & Ice Cream
横浜からリムジンバスに乗って、羽田空港に行きました。 Today, our kids rode the limousine bus to explore Haneda Airport! They got to look through binoculars to watch the airplanes take off! Everyone is so excited to get their chance to look through the binoculars. 出発便、到着便、たくさんの飛行機に大興奮! 飛行機を追って、展望デッキを端まで走ってました。 Airplanes coming and going, all the kids were so excited to see them land and take off! They even tried to chase after them, they ran from one end of the viewing deck to the other! 屋上では、ランチの後、みんなでダッシュ!!飛行機より早いよ! After lunch, everyone ran on the roof tops! They look like they’re going even faster than an airplane! クラシックなおもちゃの前でスマイル! Exploring the museum, everyone smiled in front of the vintage toys!…
Read MoreTextbook Time
もちろんゲームやクラフトばかりでなく、みんなちゃんとスタディーもしています。 Of course here it’s not all just games, there is always a time for textbook work! やっぱり、お勉強の時は真剣な顔! Of course when it’s time to study, everyone has such serious faces on! Everyone looks so studious. I wonder what they’re learning. ピクショナリーも、みんな先生の描く絵に見入ってます。でも、ちゃんとフルセンテンスで答えるところは、さすが! Now they’re playing pictionary! It’s a fun game to guess what the person is drawing. Of course when they answer, they have to raise their hand and answer in full sentences. でもやっぱり大好きなのは、クッキータイム!”次は何のクッキーかな?” 先生がアルファベットクッキーを配りだしたら、みんな ”イエーイ!!” Even though everyone loves textbook time, it’s no doubt that their most favorite time of the day is cookie time! Their favorite cookies are alphabet cookies~
Read MoreArt / Salt Art
ソルトアートのダイレクションをコンピューターで調べてプリントアウト。それに従って、フードカラーをお塩に混ぜていきます。 Today’s craft is Salt Art! By following the directions on the print out sheet, everyone colored their salt with different color dyes. 次にクリアのジャーに、色の配置、量を考えながら、自分のデザインを作っていきます。 Next, they put the colored dye in different bowls and everyone can make their own special designs in their jar! 小さい子達も、お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんが作ってくれたカラーソルトを、自分でジャーに入れていきます。 どんなデザインになるのでしょう? Even the little kids got to create their own designs with the help of their older classmates. みんなの作ったソルトアート。 色の置き方がそれぞれ違って、微妙に違う雰囲気になってます。Great Art!!! Wow!! Everyone’s salt art looks fantastic! So colorful~
Read MoreScience / Coke and Mentos Eruption
ダイエットコークにメントス (キャンディー)を入れると、どうなるのかな? 紙で筒を作って、メントスを一気にコークのボトルに落とします。 Everyone is outdoors today to try a messy, but classic experiment! Mentos & Diet Coke!! Our kids made their own personal paper chutes to readily drop their mentos in. Will it work?? Can you guess how many mentos are in her paper chute? みんなちょっと逃げ腰になって入れてました。でも無事成功!! Once she drops her mentos in, she has to be ready to run!! She’s preparing for her escape. Woah! Something is coming out of the top! Huh? Did she drop her mentos in? Nothing happened… わあ?、すごい!!噴水のように噴き出して、みんなビックリ!!誰のが一番高く上がるかな? Amazing!! It turned into a coke fountain!! What a mess, but it’s so cool to watch! I wonder who’s fountain spouted the highest? この後、みんなは撮った写真を使って、ポスター作り。 Afterwards, each kid…
Read MoreScience / Life Cycle of Chicken
左手にレッドのペイントをつけて、大きなエッグの中にハンドペイントをして、チキンのボディーにします。 嫌がるとかなーと思ったら、みんな大喜び! Today, our Kindergarten is learning about the life cycle of a chicken. With their left hand, the red paint is going to be the body of the chicken! Everyone looks so excited! Why are both their hands red?! Everyone really loves paint! あれ?なぜかみんな両手にペイントが!! “Is this enough red?” “Look, look at my hands!” チックが出てきてるエッグには、本物のエッグシェルを貼っていきます。 They all made their chicken! For the egg, they’re pasting real egg shells on their paper. 真剣にひとつひとつ貼っていく子もいれば、いっぺんに置いてプッシュする子も。あ?、潰しちゃったかなあ? Everyone is gluing so seriously. They must be really excited to put everything together. Oh no! What happened?! Did she smash her egg?? Wow!! Great job everybody!! I hope you learned a lot about the chicken life cycle.…
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