June 9 (Mon) ~ July 11 (Fri)
Monday ~ Friday 9:00am ~ 2:00pm
For International School Students
Entering K ~ 6
Grade 7 ~ 12
July 14 (Mon) ~ August 29 (Fri)
Monday ~ Friday 9:00am ~ 3:00pm
For Kindergarten
July 14 (Mon) ~ August 29 (Fri)
Monday ~ Friday 9:00am ~ 3:00pm
For Elementary ~ High School

August 4 (Mon) ~ 8 (Fri)
Monday ~ Friday 9:00am ~ 3:00pm
For Kindergarten ~ High School
This program is offered to students K-6 during the interim period between the last day of regular school and the beginning of summer school. Early Summer Care provides students with supervised craft and computer projects.
Must apply for at least 1 week.
- Application Forms must be submitted by:
Members: May 24 (Sat)
Visitors: May 31 (Sat)
For Kindergarten Students
Week 1: July 14 (Mon) ~ 18 (Fri)
Week 2: July 22 (Tue) ~ 25 (Fri)
Week 3: July 28 (Mon) ~ August 1 (Fri)
Week 4: August 12 (Tue) ~ 15 (Fri)
Week 5: August 18 (Mon) ~ 22 (Fri)
Week 6: August 25 (Mon) ~ 29 (Fri)
Our Summer School program for kindergarteners includes different themes for each week. We plan to base our activities on the theme of the week to learn more about it. We will also have arts and crafts, music, story time & snack time everyday.
Week 1: July 14 (Mon) ~ 18 (Fri)
Land Before Time Let's go on a journey to the great valley with Littlefoot!
Week 2: July 22 (Tue) ~ 25 (Fri)
Farm Animals Come with us to visit Old MacDonald on his farm to meet all his friendly farm friends! Do you think Bingo the dog will be there to greet us as well as?
Week 3: July 28 (Mon) ~ August 1 (Fri)
Deep Blue Sea A sailor went to sea, sea, sea. To see what he could see, see, see. But all that he could see, see, see. Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.
Week 4: August 12 (Tue) ~ 15 (Fri)
Mother Goose Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B". Put it in the oven for baby and me!
Week 5: August 18 (Mon) ~ 22 (Fri)
Winnie the Pooh “As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.”
Week 6: August 25 (Mon) ~ 29 (Fri)
Creepy Crawlers Let's fly around with busy buzzing bumblebees!
Students enrolled in our International Course (Preschool, PreKindergarten, Kindergarten) must apply for at least 2 sessions.
- Application Forms must be submitted by:
Members: June 21 (Sat)
Visitors: July 4 (Fri) - Visitors applied for at least 1 session of Summer School will receive 50% OFF on admission fees for our classes. (To receive this discount, you must complete the enrollment process by 8/29 (Fri). This does not apply to our International Courses: Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten.)
- When applying for Summer School, please apply with which sessions you will be attending.
- Material Fees (crafts and snacks) are included in the fee listed above.
- We reserve the right to change programs or cancel class.
- Once your application form has been submitted and you receive a confirmation email, you may not cancel or change the dates you applied for. We do not offer a refund for any reason.
- If for any reason your child is unable to attend days they are applied for, we do not offer a refund of the lesson fee or offer a make up lesson.
- If you apply for one or more sessions of Summer School, you will receive ¥5,000 OFF of August Adventure.
- For Sessions with only four days, (Session 2 & 4 ) you will receive a discount.
- Prior to applying Summer School, children are required to have completed toilet training.
Summer School T-shirt
Students attending Summer School are required to wear our American Kids Summer School T-Shirt. T-Shirts will be provided on their first day of Summer School.
AMERICAN KIDS Summer School T-Shirt 1Shirt: ¥1,650
- Once you have placed your Summer School T-Shirt order, the order may not be changed or cancelled (size, quantity, etc.)
- American Kids Summer School T-shirts must be worn to summer school everyday. We recommend purchasing at least 2 T-shirts to ensure your children can come to school in a clean Summer School T-shirt everyday.
Extended Care
We offer Extended Care for those who would like to drop off their kids early or pick them up late.
If you would like to apply for our Extended Care program, please submit an Extended Care application form in addition to our Summer School application form.
Please make sure to apply for our Extended Care program when applying for our Summer School program, as we will not be accepting application forms once Summer School has started. If for any reason your child will not be staying on the days they have applied for Extended Care, we do not offer a refund or cancellations.
Click here to apply for Extended Care.
- 8:15a.m. – 9:00a.m. ¥1,650
- 3:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. ¥1,320/hour (rates by the hour)
School Bus System
This year we are offering a transportation service. Riding the school bus with their peers gives them the opportunity to practice their English outside of the classroom. If you would like to apply for our school bus system, please state that you would like to do so in the "Inquiry" section, found on the Summer School Application Form, along with the dates you would like to apply for.
- Fee: ¥5,500 / week
- Application Forms must be submitted by:
Members: June 21 (Sat)
Visitors: July 4 (Fri) - This service includes morning pick ups and afternoon drop offs.
- Ages: 3 ~7
- We will only be accepting 24 applicants (12/school bus) for the bus. If you would like to use our transportation system, we recommend you apply as soon as possible.
- For the weeks you have applied for the Extended Care program, it is not possible to apply for the school bus system.
- Those who apply for 3 or more sessions of our transportation service during Summer School will be made a priority applicant and be considered for confirmation before others.
- We cannot guarantee your child will be accepted for transportation services.
- We will contact you if your application has been accepted for transportation services.
- If your child does not use our transportation service the days they are applied for, we do not offer refunds or change of dates for any reason.
For Elementary ~ High School Students
Week 1: July 14 (Mon) ~ 18 (Fri)
Week 2: July 22 (Tue) ~ 25 (Fri)
Week 3: July 28 (Mon) ~ August 1 (Fri)
Week 4: August 12 (Tue) ~ 15 (Fri)
Week 5: August 18 (Mon) ~ 22 (Fri)
Week 6: August 25 (Mon) ~ 29 (Fri)
This year, for our Summer School program, we will be starting a new, original program. We are mixing the “Summer School” and “Summer Fun” programs offered at most schools in the U.S.. The biggest difference between these two programs, in the U.S., is the amount of studying they do. By combining these two programs, we hope to create the perfect balance of having fun and improving their English abilities.
- Application Forms must be submitted by:
Members: June 21 (Sat)
Visitors: July 4 (Fri) - Visitors applied for at least 1 session of Summer School will receive 50% OFF on admission fees for our classes. (To receive this discount, you must complete the enrollment process by 8/29 (Fri). This does not apply to our International Courses: Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten.)
- When applying for Summer School, you may either apply by sessions or by days.
- When applying for sessions, you may start your session any day of the week. (Ex. 1 session: Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue)
- Material Fees (crafts and snacks) are included in the fee listed above.
- We reserve the right to change programs or cancel programs.
- Once your application form has been submitted and you receive a confirmation email, you may not cancel or change the dates you applied for. We do not offer a refund for any reason.
- If for any reason your child is unable to attend days they are applied for, we do not offer a refund of the lesson fee or offer a make up lesson.
- If you apply for one or more sessions of Summer School, you will receive ¥5,000 OFF of August Adventure.
- Spaces in our Summer School courses are limited, and we will be accepting applicants in the order of which we receive the applications.
- We suggest applying as soon as possible, as your application may be rejected if all spaces have been filled.
Summer School T-shirt
Students attending Summer School are required to wear our American Kids Summer School T-Shirt. T-Shirts will be provided on their first day of Summer School.
AMERICAN KIDS Summer School T-Shirt 1Shirt: ¥1,650
- Once you have placed your Summer School T-Shirt order, the order may not be changed or cancelled (size, quantity, etc.)
- American Kids Summer School T-shirts must be worn to summer school everyday. We recommend purchasing at least 2 T-shirts to ensure your children can come to school in a clean Summer School T-shirt everyday.
Extended Care
We offer Extended Care for those who would like to drop off their kids early or pick them up late.
If you would like to apply for our Extended Care program, please submit an Extended Care application form in addition to our Summer School application form.
Please make sure to apply for our Extended Care program when applying for our Summer School program, as we will not be accepting application forms once Summer School has started. If for any reason your child will not be staying on the days they have applied for Extended Care, we do not offer a refund or cancellations.
Click here to apply for Extended Care.
- 8:15a.m. – 9:00a.m. ¥1,650
- 3:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. ¥1,320/hour (rates by the hour)
Our August Adventure course has been constructed based off of the U.S. Summer Camp idea. You can have the same experience here in Japan as we offer at our Honolulu American Kids Club in Oahu, Hawaii! Like our program in Hawaii, we include indoor and outdoor activities on most days. Despite going outside in Japan, the children are fully immersed in an English only environment the whole day, as we have a strict “No Japanese” rule.
August 4 (Mon) 9:00am~3:00pm Art
5 (Tue) 9:00am~3:00pm Mystery
6 (Wed) 9:00am~3:00pm Science Project
7 (Thu) 9:00am~3:00pm Field Trip
8 (Fri) 9:00am~3:00pm Theme Party
*The schedule and daily plan may be changed.
- Application Forms must be submitted by:
Members: June 21 (Sat)
Visitors: July 4 (Fri) - If you have applied for at least one session of our 2025 Summer School program, you will receive ¥5,000 OFF from the price listed above.
- August Adventure is open to children ages 4 ~ 18.
- We will only be accepting 30 students. If we have reached this maximum, your application may not be accepted. We suggest applying as soon as possible, as your application may be rejected if all spaces have been filled.
- We will be accepting applicants in the order of which we receive the applications.
- This fee includes: material fees; lunches; snacks; field trip transportation, admission, and ticket fees.
- Lunches (hotdog, hamburger, etc.) and snacks (chips, popcorn, etc.) will be served at school. Please make sure your child brings their own drinks.
- We will send you an email with more details sometime after you have received your confirmation email.
- We reserve the right to change programs or cancel programs.
- Once your application form has been submitted and you receive a confirmation email, you may not cancel or change the dates you applied for. We do not offer a refund for any reason.
- If for any reason your child is unable to attend days they are applied for, we do not offer a refund of the lesson fee or offer a make up lesson.
- Prior to applying August Adventure, children are required to have completed toilet training.
Summer School T-shirt
Students attending Summer School are required to wear our American Kids Summer School T-Shirt. T-Shirts will be provided on their first day of Summer School.
AMERICAN KIDS Summer School T-Shirt 1Shirt: ¥1,650
- Once you have placed your Summer School T-Shirt order, the order may not be changed or cancelled (size, quantity, etc.)
- American Kids Summer School T-shirts must be worn to summer school everyday. We recommend purchasing at least 2 T-shirts to ensure your children can come to school in a clean Summer School T-shirt everyday.
Extended Care
We offer Extended Care for those who would like to drop off their kids early or pick them up late.
If you would like to apply for our Extended Care program, please submit an Extended Care application form in addition to our Summer School application form.
Please make sure to apply for our Extended Care program when applying for our Summer School program, as we will not be accepting application forms once Summer School has started. If for any reason your child will not be staying on the days they have applied for Extended Care, we do not offer a refund or cancellations.
Click here to apply for Extended Care.
- 8:15a.m. – 9:00a.m. ¥1,650
- 3:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. ¥1,320/hour (rates by the hour)